I found THE ONE......

What do the weekends bring?  Birthday parties of course!  It is the month of February and thanks to the amazing So Cal weather it is not a problem (this year) to have a backyard birthday party in February.  This weekend's agenda was a Baseball themed 1st birthday for our good friend's little boy.  The one wrench thrown into the party planning is that there was also ANOTHER birthday party on the same day and same time for another friend's little boy.....so we implemented the divide and conquer method of Dad dropping off me and Lil Sis B at the Baseball party and making a dash over to the other party with Big Bro T.

This method seemed like a good idea- in the past I would not be so eager to attend a party alone with my 2 1/2 year old because we have decided it takes 3 adults to handle her.  But as she is getting a bit older and communicating with us more, she seems to be mellowing out some.  I say this because the girl has a short fuse- she can go from happy to major meltdown in seconds with not much of a clue as to why.  But I swear, lately she has been more friendly, allows family and friends to hold her, makes eye contact with people- just more open to being out in public and communicating with the masses! ;)

So bring on the divide and conquer party attending method.  My bravery was in part due to my very good girlfriends and their kids were at the baseball party so I knew I had back up if needed.  I had our baseball shirts and baseball hats ready- so let's do this!  Time to get Lil Sis B dressed- and yes I left her in her Princess Sophia nightgown until it was time to get ready becasue I didn't have a back up baseball t-shirt for her- but here's the problem:  She LOVES Princess Sophia.  She LOVES having on her Princess Sohpia "dress". 

I was able to put on the PINK baseball t shirt,  but then she is insisted on having her "dress" back on!!  When I hesitated- she lost it!  So long story short, I put the dress back on over the t-shirt and decided to try to reason with her on the drive over to the party (which we were now late for!).  As you can see from the photo I did not win!!  So I was now the proud mom of the little girl walking around looking like a haggard  mom in her leggings, nightgown, baseball cap and bad hair!  BUT she is happy and the kind party go-ers were getting a good natured laugh at my" strong willed" daughter and she was none the wiser!

And I have to say, for the majority of the party she eats, drinks, and plays a bit and I managed to eat, drink and play a bit myself!  That is, until she discovered the extra helium balloons in the house.  She finds the few extra balloons and wanted to take them outside. I tried to explain to her that she has to keep a hold of the string or let me tie them on to her or they will fly away.  I got the famous 2 1/2 year old look of  "Whatever... I'm going outside".....and of course it happens. The ribbon slipped out of her hand and a VERY on the ball mom leapt past me and grabbed it saving the day!!  Until a bit later when the ribbon slipped out of her hand AGAIN and this very on the ball mom was not in leaping distance and the balloon sailed up and away.  And as Lil Sis B watched the balloon get smaller and smaller, her face crumbled more and more and her screams got louder and louder!  The act of watching that balloon get smaller and smaller was just too much for her and she could not be consoled. 

I walked her over to the bounce house to try and distract her and a little boy bounced over to her and said, "Don't cry baby, you look pretty!"  And just like that, I found HIM!  This is the boy that my daughter will marry!!  The boy that can see the pretty in all her madness!  Finding Lil Sis B's soulmate made it totally worth venturing out alone with her!! 

I hope his mother is prepared for ME! ;)

1 comment:

  1. She looked great in her Sophia "dress"! :) And I love the new look o the blog! :)
