NOT a New Year's Resolution......

If you start something in February, then technically it’s not a New Year’s Resolution right? 

I cannot tell you the last time I was a member of a gym, been inside a gym (taking my kid to gymnastics or Gymboree probably doesn’t count), or put on a sports bra with any regularity.  Yet I have been wanting to join a gym for a while now.  The main thing holding me back was the fact that back many years ago when I did have a gym membership (back when the treadmills did NOT have TV’s), like many people, I paid the  monthly dues and never went.  So the idea of repeating that cycle has kept me from slapping down my credit card and starting that up again. 
Also, life looks a lot different for me these days than it did back then- back then I was single, younger, and had time to do what I wanted to do.  That doesn’t mean I went to the gym- just that I COULD.  These days I am married, older, and immersed in making sure my kids have their school treat ready a month ahead, homework done to some degree of quality, and are involved in the sport or activity of their choice: for Big Bro T that is currently piano and Tae Kwon Do, for Lil Sis B it’s wearing me like a blanket- she is usually glued to me as soon as I pick her up from the babysitter’s.  And the idea of being gone all day at work and then coming home and leaving the kids again makes me feel a bit selfish and guilty, especially when there is SOOOO much to do.  Even though I really do crave time to do something for ME it usually ends up in the middle of the list and never the TOP.
Another big excuse I have used is that my husband’s schedule varies from week to week- I never have an idea of what evenings he will be home before 8 or 9pm.  It depends on the activity, sport, or meeting involved with being a High School Administrator.  This is not new to me, but it makes it very challenging to have any sort of routine in mind for ME.  So why set myself up again?
But I did.  I joined a gym.  And the perfectly nice young lady that helped me starts “assessing” me:

“Why do you think it’s been so long since you’ve been in a gym?”
How much time to you have honey?
"What goals do you have for yourself?"
My goals are to win the lottery (which means actually buying a ticket), figure out what being vegan really means, not forget the half million things my kids need to get done every month, and hope my husband doesn’t see my visa bill!  Oh, did she mean my fitness goals??
“Do you have any injuries we should know about?”
Do bad hair days and laziness count?  I have to admit that for the past 15 years I have been devoted to keeping up on my DVR shows from the comfort of my couch and that has pretty much insured my “injury free” status!  Probably not a bragging point……
“Why do you think this time will be different than your last gym experience?”
            The gym holds a new perspective for me this time around… far.

I need to do something for me.  I am long past “wanting” to do something for me.  Mentally I am ready and I have gone as far as slapping down the credit card again.  Now I need to move myself to the top of the list a couple of times a week. 
It started with buying a few sports bras, some new workout pants (as I was told the ones I used before were actually pajamas), and dusting off the tennis shoes I bought last year.  And maybe.......just maybe, if I jump on the treadmill (with the TV of course) and dream of running away for an hour or so, I’ll be re-energized to run back home and continue to carry the family I love on to the next week!
So the adventure begins….people still wear leg warmers to the gym right??

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